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About the Energy Enhancement System

For those seeking a personalized transformative experience to cultivate mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, leading to self mastery.

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)  is technology that creates an enhanced energy field.  The EESystem generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves”.  It generates morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing.

Scalar waves have always existed. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. 

A Scalar wave is known as a fifth dimensional non-linear wave. Third dimensional laws of nature do not bind the scalar wave. Thus scalar waves function in a self-referral and self-generating manner.  They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.

When the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited. This catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state.  Cells in the human body, when functioning at its maximum health potential, range between 70-90 millivolts.


Dis-ease and aging occurs when the cellular energy depreciates to levels below this range. Every cell has a crystalline structure that is capable of holding a charge. The non-linear (Scalar) waves move through the matrix of the body via the crystalline structures within each cell. These crystalline structures are capable of holding a charge. This charge begins the process of increasing the cell’s millivolt range and cellular regeneration. As the cells are charged, any toxins in the cell begin to be released from the cell. Research has indicated that exposure to scalar fields can involve DNA repair.

This technology gives us the ultimate fuel for our bodies, improving circulation, oxygenation and increasing cellular energy. At this level the body can rejuvenate and restore its health and balance.

Additional Research and Informational Links:

Scalar Field Therapy and Mitigation of Seizure Disorder (Dr. Terry Shintani)

This case report describes the use of scalar field therapy in the mitigation of seizures in an autistic child. The patient is a 4-yr-10-mo old girl with a 3 year history of seizure disorder and autism…

EES Treatment Case Study (Michael S. Cook, D.C., Dipl. Ac.)

I have put together 12 patients for your presentation. Enclosed are the 12 files with the same information on the inside flap of each file. Please black out the names if you are going to share these. I guess HIPPA would want that…

Biological Interactions with Scalar Energy Cellular Mechanisms of Action (Dr. G. Rein, Stanford, CA)

Recent direct experimental data as well as sophisticated computer-enhanced mathematical analyses of pre-existing data has revealed the predominance of non-linear processes in biological systems.

Initial Clinical Study (Dr. V. Marcial-Vega, FL)

This Energy Enhancement System was installed and turned on at our center on May 19, 2001 at 7:52 PM Eastern Standard Time. It is in a room that is squared, has two windows that are covered by thin paper. It consists of four computers…

Research Results (Dr. V. Marcial-Vega, Canada)

Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega, recognized as being in the top one percent of medical doctors in the U.S., trained at Johns Hopkins University, and was formerly staff radiation oncologist at both the University of Miami and Washington University Schools of Medicine…

The EES and Improved Psychological Well-Being (Dr. L. Marconi, HI)

In 2004, a research study on the effects of the Energy Enhancement System (EES) on 29 adult men and women from the Big Island of Hawaii was conducted by Dr. Lana J. Marconi, Ph.D. A scientifically valid and reliable measure of change called the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) was administered before and after people experienced the EES…

Electromagnetic Pollution to Scalar Enhancement (Dr. S. DeVita, Canada)

Dr. Sabina Devita, recognized as the top researcher and trainer in the use of the GDV in North America and author of Electromagnetic Pollution, recently presented her research with the Gas Discharge Visualization Bioelectrography camera to the scientific community in Russia…

Pilot Study on the Effects of the Scalar Room (N. Loeffler, OR)

A pilot study was conducted to research the effect of a two-hour meditative quiet time in a Scalar Room. A detailed report of this study and related papers about the technology is available from the author. The ‘Scalar Room’ is a conditioned space where the electromagnetic dominance of the environment has been technically reduced...

Peer Reviewed P.O.I. and Microscopy Study (Drs. L. Marconi, A. Soleil)

The present study explores the relationship between the Energy Enhancement System™ (EES) and adult bio-psycho-spiritual growth. Live Blood Cell Analysis (microscopy blood imaging) and Blood Glucose measured biological changes and the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) measured psycho-spiritual changes…

Hudspeth Pre & Post Brain Maps (Dr. N. White, PhD, Houston, TX)

Hudspeth Maps There are 3 Pre & 3 Post maps. (All maps are with eyes closed.) Text and layout based on content and photos excerpted from emails from Dr. Nancy White, PhD to Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM and Dr. Greg Gerber, MD. March 2006. This was report was prepared by Natasha Taylor, June 2008.

Your Healing Energy at ‘Full Tilt Boogie’ (Dr. G. Rein, Stanford, CA)

“If you have any chronic health disorder, this article is for you. If you want to do everything possible to enhance your self-healing energy, this article is for you. If you feel you are an energy being and believe the universe is trying to communicate something to you through your illness, this article is for you. If you want to better listen to and learn from the universal healing energy, read on…”

JOHN ORAVA, PHD, Physicist on the EESystem Effect (Dr. V. Marcial-Vega, FL)

John Orava, Physicist, Pentagon Pattern energy Consultant, Consultant to the Department of Defense, and President of Bio-Physicists Foundation. This report is taken from a video made as Dr. Orava commented on the EESystem technology…

Abstract – AAAAM Conf. 2007GDV (Dr. V. Marcial-Vega, Canada)

EESystem Inventor Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, is Senior Director of Energy Medicine for Open International University for Complementary Medicine-USA under UNESCO, is a member of the Scientific Council for National Bio Science, Europe, and supports the International Parliament for Safety and Peace…

Kirlian Lab Photography (Dr. L. Marconi, HI)

Visualize these pictures as being representations of your cells before and after…

Electric Company Field Surveys (Dr. S. DeVita, Canada)

On March 17, 2004 Mr. Brian Thorson from Southern California Edison came out to our center at 58033 Sun Mesa Drive in Yucca Valley to measure the magnetic fields in our space where we have the Energy Enhancement System installed…

Live Blood Microscopy (N. Loeffler, OR)

In November 2004, we funded a four week research project looking at the effects of the EES on live blood cells. 36 men and women in Hawaii participated. Dr. Alvita Soleil, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Director of Kohala Health and Wellness Center, spearheaded the blood and urine analysis…

Scalar Wave Literature Survey (N. Loeffler, OR)

This paper was meant to give a layperson’s an easy, straight forward explanation of scalar waves and scalar fields. After reading over 1500 pages on the subject, I became more confused than when I started, mainly because the more I read the more diverse and even contradicting explanations I got…

Torsion Field Effect and Zero-Point Energy in Electrical Discharge Systems (Xiong-wei Wen & Xing-liu Jiang, China)

Abstract: Highly localized nuclear activation in electrochemical systems and other electrical
discharge processes have been observed by many laboratories in world. There is an attempt to
explain such anomalous phenomena by using torsion field theory and axion model in this report…

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